This page attempts to document the necessary information needed to successfully administer this website. Hopefully future members will find this helpful when needing to quickly update the website but might be unfamiliar with the github pages/jekyll/collections process.


This website is being run through Github Pages method of hosting static websites. This website is generated using the Jekyll static site generation framework which is built on Ruby. This rendition of the website is built with the Minimal-Mistakes Jekyll theme.

The URL is purchased through freenom and needs to be manually renewed every 12 months. Freenom provides .tk domains for free, and at least one of the club officers should have access to the freenom datda account credentials. The DNS and DDoS protection is then managed using the free tier of Cloudflare. Again, at least one of the officers should have access to the account credentials for this. The Cloudflare service is then pointed towards this Github Pages destination.

