1 minute read

Hacker Jeopardy

  • Hacker Jeopardy
    • Newz: This is the popular gamer chat application that was infiltrated by notorious NPM packages
    • Toolz: pushd /etc/log && cd ~ && popd (what is the result of pwd after running these commands?)
      • /etc/log
    • Knawledge: This is the name of the GNU tool used to debug executable programs
      • GDB

Other Matters

  • CTF review & planning
  • website plans
  • Raffle Giveaway
  • money review
    • $1553 in the bank
    • $1222 in patreon, waiting to be exported
    • $597 spent on promo materials in Fall 2021

Thanks to all of our wonderful sponsers on patreon and from previous fundraising activities, we were able to give away $140 worth of humble bundles, $123 worth of microcontrollers and development boards for giving away as prizes for CTF competitions, and we paid for $259 dollars worth of food to fuel our mania during capture the flag meetups.

Speaking of our meetups! We met 14 times during our regularly scheduled meeting time in the fancy new CEDAR lab. Then we met up on the weekend 7 times on the weekends to participate in any of the 8 different capture the flag competitions over the semester. Out of those 8 different competitions our club members ranked above the 90th percentile about 2/3 of the time.

We still have a couple of CTF competitions to compete in before the end of the year but we wanted to say thanks to everyone who has made this possible.

