less than 1 minute read

Hacker Jeopardy

  • Newz: This is the amount of money Google will pay you if you can exploit a linux kernel flaw.
    • $31,337
  • Toolz: awk -v cols=$(tput cols) '{e=int(log($10)*5); print("\x1b[42m" substr($0, 1, e) "\x1b[0m" substr($0, e+1) )}' access_log | less -SR
  • Knawledge: This is the name of a virtual machine dedicated to security monitoring capabilities
    • Security Onion

Website Revamp

  • Discussed the possiblity of revamping the website (aka changing the jekyll template being used for the website)
  • Trying to “combine” the current website with the wiki in github. Better way to organize the presentations we have stored in the github

Review of problems from previous CTFs

  • Discussed the first couple of problems from the Flareon competition
  • went over a couple interesting problems that stumped us from the NCL Individual competition

Planning NCL Meetup this weekend

  • meeting in EERB 228 on Saturday from 11 AM till 4 PM to work on the NCL team competition.

Raffle Giveaway

Gave away a Humble Bundle book bundle to one lucky member who was present at the meeting.

