Meeting Notes Oct. 21, 2021:

Hacker Jeopardy

  • Newz: This popular software recently disclosed a bug in their ssh key generation algorithms.
  • Toolz: awk -v cols=$(tput cols) ‘{c=int(sin(NR/10)*(cols/6)+(cols/6))+1;print(substr($0,1,c-1) “\x1b[41m” substr($0,c,1) “\x1b[0m” substr($0,c+1,length($0)-c+2))}’ access_log | less -SR
  • Knawledge: what port is commonly used for SSH?
    • 22

CTF Meetup this weekend

CTF category of the week: scanning


  • gave away one book bundle
  • awarded prizes for first and second place in the NCL preseason competition

