Meeting Notes Sept. 30, 2021:

Hacker Jeopardy

  • Newz: This is a focus of the May 12, 2021 Executive Order on Improving the Nation’s Cybersecurity.
    • Log standards and log retention periods (hold onto your hard drives folks)
  • Toolz: cat ip_addresses.txt | uniq | sort -r
    • read a list of ip addresses, remove any duplicates, and sort them in reverse order
  • Knawledge: These are what identifies the type of file in the very beginning of the binary code. - Magic Bytes

Officer Elections

  • President: scrypy
  • Vice President: annatar
  • Treasurer: Mr. Bryce
  • Secretary: Sindhu
  • Recruitment Manager: jimmymoak

CTF Competitions and Prizes

CTF Topic of the Week: Reverse Engineering

  • Ghidra
  • Assembly Language
  • Intermediate Languages
  • Strings
  • Control Flow Graphs

