Meeting Notes for Sept. 30, 2021
Meeting Notes Sept. 30, 2021:
Hacker Jeopardy
- Newz: This is a focus of the May 12, 2021 Executive Order on Improving the Nation’s Cybersecurity.
- Log standards and log retention periods (hold onto your hard drives folks)
- Toolz:
cat ip_addresses.txt | uniq | sort -r
- read a list of ip addresses, remove any duplicates, and sort them in reverse order
- Knawledge: These are what identifies the type of file in the very beginning of the binary code. - Magic Bytes
Officer Elections
- President: scrypy
- Vice President: annatar
- Treasurer: Mr. Bryce
- Secretary: Sindhu
- Recruitment Manager: jimmymoak
CTF Competitions and Prizes
- register for
- join team DATDA: (Hopefully one of us still has these credentials)
- PBCTF - Oct 09 -
- 1st place: RPI Zero W
- 2nd place: Raspberry Pi Pico
- Flareon -
- 1st place: Teensy
- Regional Qualifier Feb 26, 2022 -
- Regional Competition: March 25-26
- National Championship: April 21-23
- individual preseason
- 1st place: rpi zero budget pack
- Raspberry Pi Zero - Version 1.3
- regular individual season
- 1st place: teensy
- 2nd place: rpi pico
- 3rd place: rpi pico
- individual preseason
CTF Topic of the Week: Reverse Engineering
- Ghidra
- Assembly Language
- Intermediate Languages
- Strings
- Control Flow Graphs