Meeting Notes March 28th, 2019:

Hacker Jeopardy -> @bugg

  • Newz:
    • This software giant specializing in VPN and Remote Access was recently informed by the FBI that they had been hacked…for months…from password spraying. No worries though they just hold access credentials for 490 of the Fortune 500.
  • Toolz:
    • tail -f
  • Knawledge:
    • VPN stands for Virtual Private Network. This V _ _ _ is also a Virtual Network, though there’s nothing inherently private about it.

Tor Hidden Services -> @bugg

Election Stuff from the Constitution -> @Iguana

sorry for the bad formatting :( -@bugg

    • Section 1.
      • The Executive Officers of DATDA shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary, and a Treasurer.
          1. The duties of the President shall be:
            • a. To preside over most general meetings.
            • b. Call special meetings when necessary.
            • c. To appoint committees.
            • d. To appoint a temporary officer in the instance that a current officer is temporarily or permanently unable to fulfill their duties until an election can be held; given the successive positions to the one being filled have abdicated or are unable to abdicate their succession.
            • e. To make minor decisions regarding the day-to-day operations of DATDA.
          1. The duties of the Vice President shall be:
            • a. To perform all duties of the President in their absence.
            • b. To serve as a chairperson on most committees.
            • c. To oversee all election procedures of the organization.
          1. The duties of the Secretary shall be:
            • a. To keep an accurate record of most organization meetings and activities.
            • b. To take charge of all group-wide correspondence.
          1. The duties of the Treasurer shall be:
            • a. To keep an accurate and complete record of all monetary transactions.
            • b. Disperse acquired fund money in accordance with regulations of the University of Wyoming.
          1. Other officers can be chosen at the discretion of the President as needed.
    • Section 2.
      • There shall be no requirement for officership, other than one month of previous full membership in DATDA.
    • Section 1.
      • Following each selection or change of any officer/advisor, the Campus Activities Center will be notified
    • Section 2.
      • Election Timeline
          1. The officers shall be elected by the 1st week of April each spring semester. [lol]
          1. All candidates shall be nominated from the floor at least two weeks before the scheduled elections.
          1. One week prior to the election, all candidates will have the opportunity to speak as to their qualifications and answer questions in a debate style format in order to aid the membership as they determine who to vote for
          1. Voting results must be disclosed prior to the conclusion of the meeting in which the voting takes place.
    • Section 3.
      • Election Procedures
          1. Voting shall be done by Secret Ballot
          1. Instant-Runoff Voting shall be utilized to elect each officer position in order to preserve voter choice and promote diverse ideas.
          1. Should candidates be elected to more than one position, they shall fill the role of the highest elected position, leaving the successor candidates to fill the other roll(s).
    • Section 4.
      • Term of Office
          1. Officers are considered active from the day election results are revealed until next results are revealed.
          1. This will allow time to prepare the budget, revise the constitution as needed, and prepare registration forms for the following year.
    • Section 5.
      • Mid-Year Vacancies
          1. In the instances where an Officer is not able to complete their term, a special election will be held in the same manner as the regular election procedures.
          1. While the nomination process may be expedited, no other steps may be expedited nor any steps skipped.

Election Nomnations! -> @Iguana

  • All persons were nominated for all positions
  • Persons Nominated:
    • Ana, Rafer, Chris, Winston, Addison, Evan, Thaddeus, Sidney, Kelby, Bryce, Carlton, James, Sadlad (Hypeman), OhMyUser
  • Positions:
    • President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Fundraising, Recruiting, Member Educator

Upcomming Election News! -> @Iguana

  • Next week Speeches/Debates (4/04/2019)
  • Then in 2 weeks Elections! (4/11/2019)


