Meeting Notes September 27th, 2018 :

No Tales From DEF CON

  • Our two speakers were unable to attend so we’re postponing the talks for another week.

Catalysts of Last Week -> @scrypy

  • @scrypy talked to use about the goings-on of Facebook and Apple and Google and gave some tips for not letting your data escape your control

picoCTF -> @annatar

  • We will be competing in this super-duper-next-level (MS & HS) CTF!
  • There will be team creds in the #CTF channel in the Discord
  • Join us! (This weekend/week/?)

Easy Exploitation [Computer Activity] -> @bugg

  • @bugg did a lame demo where they failed to exploit a dirtycow vulnerability in the new Boot2Root up on our servers :(

20 Members!

  • We had great attendance with 20 members at this meeting.


