Hi everyone, here are some announcements:

Tomorrow’s CTFs

The three CTFs start tomorrow and run through the weekend.

STEM CTF – Starts @ 1PM – 24 Hours – Individual Reg, 5 Person Limit*
CSAW Quals – Starts @ 2PM – 48 Hours – Team Reg
EKOPARTY – Starts @ 6PM – 36 Hours – Team Reg

We’re shooting to meet in the community lab (EN4086) at 5:00PM, but I will probably be in there for most of the afternoon.

Feel free to swing by or leave whenever, there’s absolutely no commitment. You can ask in the #ctf channel if you’re not sure we’re still there.

*Since the STEM CTF starts early and runs short, we’ll just do first-come-first-serve on team members, regardless of skill. Just tell me if you want on the team.

Unearthed Hackathon

Website: https://unearthed.solutions/hackathons/unearthed-denver-2017/

Our chapter of ACM are trying to get groups together to take part in a hackathon in Denver. I went to their meeting and got the lowdown:

  • The event takes place over the weekend of September 22-24 (NEXT weekend).
  • Registration is free, and food is provided.
  • Transportation should be covered.
  • Lodging may or may not be covered.
  • Information on challenges will be released sometime on Monday the 18th (timezones are hard), but we cannot start working until the hackathon.
  • We plan to leave Friday afternoon around 1-2 and arrive at 4. Registration starts at 5.
  • The event ends at 7PM on Sunday.
  • Including myself, there were three people at the meeting who definitely wanted to attend, and two maybes.
  • Depending on the number of people who end up going, we may form one team or two. If we get enough, we could have our own DATDA team.
  • We plan to meet next Thursday the 21st to hash out more details.

If you’re interested, you should probably email Stephen Belden: sbelden@uwyo.edu He can put you on a mailing list to keep you updated and answer any questions you may have much better than I.(edited)
